Use "was involved in|be involved in" in a sentence

1. He was rumoured to be involved in the crime.

2. He was involved in this holdup.

3. Neither was involved in procurement activities.

4. She was intimately involved in the project.

5. He was involved in shady business deals.

6. Was anthrax involved?

7. He was involved in shady deals in the past.

8. We can't be sure he's involved in this.

9. The Atrioventricular valves can be involved in multiple

10. The First Lady can't be involved in this.

11. Involved in AAP

12. What was involved in the ancient refining process?

13. She was involved in working out a puzzle.

14. Everyone was involved in this web of deceit.

15. He was involved in a scuffle with photographers.

16. He was deeply involved in the ecumenical movement.

17. Throughout his schooling, Kim was involved in politics.

18. I can't be getting amorous with a witness in a shooting I was involved in.

19. The T cells will be involved in biological warfare.

20. Fathers should be actively involved in teaching their children

21. Scott would never be involved in anything like that.

22. He wanted to be actively involved in school life.

23. Mechanisms Involved in Bioleaching

24. The blacksmith was involved in many canal repair jobs.

25. I was involved in the preparation of Labour's manifesto.

26. Dahmer's family feared he was involved in the occult.

27. Burma was vitally involved in the Indian Ocean trade.

28. No one involved in the assaults was held accountable.

29. I suspected that he was involved in the conspiracy.

30. Was Improper Conduct Involved?

31. The effort involved in constructing such circles was enormous.

32. What was involved in being cupbearer to the king?

33. 10 She was involved in working out a puzzle.

34. He was involved in a scuffle with a photographer.

35. In late 2007, the band was involved in an automobile accident.

36. She was also very involved in the company's flotation in 19

37. Conspiracies: a group involved in …

38. Involved in Brisk International Trade

39. There was no money involved.

40. The Vatican was also involved.

41. 5 He was involved in oil, zinc and lead prospecting.

42. The victim involved in this torture was Cudgeled to death

43. He was also involved in the design of Algol 68.

44. 3 I was involved in the preparation of Labour's manifesto.

45. He must live his subject, be emotionally involved in it.

46. For the laborers involved in industry, however, life was difficult.

47. How was God’s spirit involved in the return from exile?

48. 15 Just a limited salvation was involved in ancient Egypt.

49. Any chance Gates was involved?

50. Eurico Guterres was involved in many other violent incidents in East Timor.

51. While in Aix she was involved in the student protests of 1968.

52. Our own neutrality was involved in an issue that arose in 1977.

53. Alcohol was involved in 37% of all fatal Bicyclist crashes in 2017

54. This is an area thought to be involved in expressive communication.

55. Additionally, forensic Ballistics experts may be involved in crime scene mapping

56. • What is involved in trusting in Jehovah?

57. Just what was to be involved in the radical realignment of the welfare state was not always clear.

58. Could other altar boys be involved?

59. Marquis de Condorcet was involved in the origins of this theory.

60. Prince Albert was very involved in the education of their offspring.

61. Contrary to his testimony, Pierce was personally involved in the fraud.

62. He was involved in the peace movement but never a pacifist.

63. Actually, a rising superpower was involved in all those debt repudiations:

64. And there was no third person involved in what Stephen saw.

65. The case involved official secrets, so it was held in camera.

66. He was involved in a lawsuit because of his heedless remarks.

67. He was involved in a long legal wrangle with his employers.

68. Well, there might be squeaking involved.

69. A wide variety of factors may be involved in the aetiology.

70. Roman Abramovich has been alleged to be involved in various wrongdoings.

71. Getting involved in wars or politics

72. I'm involved in an anarchist group.

73. I became heavily involved in politics.

74. And was this man involved somehow?

75. They became involved in an altercation.

76. She became heavily involved in politics.

77. Looks like adultery might be involved . . .”

78. In our case study, the inferior alveolar nerve was involved in the mandible.

79. Subira Khamis Mgalu involved in politics while she was in School from 2006.

80. And there was a blonde involved.